
I want everyone to know we all go through shit in life, some more than others. There will be people who will work hard to be who they are meant to be, and people who will give up. Others will make it harder for themselves, while others will stay confused and lost. Others will try to find their answers, not knowing if the answers they are searching for are true. People will pay to get their answers, others will follow those that they feel have the answers. Anyone could give you an answer, but it won’t be your answer. I teach my students to find their own answers within themselves. I tell them everyone is a genius, but everyone wants a quick fix. 

Nobody wants to work on themselves. Some get scared, others make excuses. Many will blame other people for their mistakes, and many can’t stand up for themselves, so they allow others to control them in finding their own answers.

Although I am a Spiritual Teacher, when I was younger, I also needed help to understand many things. Growing up with the spirits has helped me gain knowledge and wisdom. No matter how old I get, I am still learning every single day, which I love. As a young kid I heard “voices” then later on I called them “spirits”; whichever one makes you comfortable to say is fine.  

For me it doesn’t matter what they are, because they have been there since I was a child and everything they have done for me and for all my students has been positive. Without them I couldn’t be the teacher that I am today. They have helped me so much and allowed me to help many people, and their guidance has never ever failed. It is the people that fail, because they can’t deal with themselves, and everyone looks for an easy way out. There are times that it won’t be easy and you’ll have to work a little harder, but it’s for yourself and your journey. It is about believing in yourself and being honest, even if it might scare you at times. That is when people back off because they can’t be completely honest with themselves. Before you can believe in anyone, you need to believe in you first. Your truth is your truth. It is not for anyone to decide for you. You worked very hard to find your own truth, just as I have worked very hard to find my own truth, for everybody has their own truth. 

I teach my students to believe in themselves before they can believe in anything or anybody. I realize dealing with many people that those that have said they have grown up still need to look at themselves and be real within themselves. If you are real within yourself, then you might have a chance to grow up continuously. It’s not easy, believe me. People stop after they have done half the work. To me it doesn’t matter, it is what it is. If you learn and gain something then that’s all I can hope for, no more or less. 

With so much going on, people are looking and trying to find their way. If it’s religion or seeing a therapist or psychiatrist then go, but don’t stay there and suffer. Go get help to fix the problem. Drinking yourself to death or taking drugs does not help at all, it just makes it worse, and it affects those that you love and love you and it ruins relationships and marriages. Trying to control anyone or be mentally or physically abusive is being a coward. Only a coward would manipulate helpless people. I can’t say all psychiatrists are great or all therapists are great, just like I can’t say all spiritual teachers are great, either. That is something you need to realize: if the person is good or not. That is your job to check out. Just because a person has a degree doesn’t say much to me either. Everyone knows I am not religious, because there are many things I don't agree with. However, I respect those that are religious. 

I say to you all, I prefer you getting help than staying in that hole that you put yourself in. You can blame everyone because a person harmed you and hurt you, or made you miserable, or even betrayed you; but as long as you carry those tribulations, you will never be free and you will be carrying those people that did you wrong, with you for a long time. You will continue standing still and you will continue creating more holes inside of you. They will be living with you until you decide to let them go. Like I said, we all got through shit in life. 

I hear many people yelling for help and losing touch with reality, turning insane, being afraid, being confused, not sure where to go or who to believe in this system. People choose not to open their eyes and their ears and choose to live in their own misery, and they actually believe they are not.  

I teach my students how to handle many uncomfortable issues. I see how many people are up there smiling and looking happy, but they are not. It’s all a front. We live in an unperfect world, but we need to learn to fix what’s within ourselves first, so we could better understand ourselves and others. You’re going to meet people you won’t like, and I get it, because if I say I like all my students I’d be lying. Regardless, I am glad I took the time to get to know them. We should take the time to get to know a person and know what we don’t like about them, and we should always learn to confront what we don’t like. By confronting them, they'll make that choice to fix what they need to fix. If they choose not to, you can walk away or accept them for who they are. But we always have a choice. 

I have learned these lessons from the voices and spirits. We are going to run towards people we won’t like, but I see the potential they have and the good and their selfishness, ego pride, stubbornness, hardheadedness and foolishness. I have worked with them hoping that they just might change as they are learning more about themselves and working on themselves. I am glad that as a teacher I give myself the chance to learn and grow with my students and learn the lessons I have learned from them. Whether there is negative or positive, they have given me so much in my growth. 

My students also remind me to be the person that I am: to continue being humble, a pain in the neck, strong and using my beautiful language, and smacking them across the head to snap out of it. I work with you with no judgment. There are students who will meet me and who won’t like me either. I have had students that after being with me for months or after a year they would tell me, “You know something, I really didn’t like you in the beginning,” and I would say, “Okay, well, I felt the same way. Haha.” You see it works both ways. But it was worth it because they stood and allowed themselves to learn and grow. We are always going to face misunderstandings with people but the best way to fix it is facing those who you have the problem with and deal with it. Just don’t make excuses because you can’t deal with it. Are you going to run every time you run into someone you don’t like? Wherever you go in life you are going to meet people you don’t like. It is what it is. For there is always going to be another Tom, Dick, and Harry that rubs you the wrong way. Like really wake up. I find people to be too sensitive and that’s why those people cannot and would not know how to deal with others.

Many people learn from society because they think society knows you more than you know yourself, so you follow. All society and media do is make you feel worthless, because it tells you if you get many likes you're important, and if you don’t get many likes you’re not that great. People eat that shit up. People actually pay to get more likes. Really!? Everyone has lost their worth within themselves, because they forget that they came to earth for a reason. Instill a want to feel important within yourself and realize your value as a person and as a human being, and that’s what counts. Everyone wants to be noticed even if it’s for the wrong reason. Just remember society and the media can drag you down. Try to realize that the reason to put yourself out there is to make people laugh, make people think, and bring enjoyment to families, bringing happiness, and of course, letting everybody know what’s going on all over the world.

The choice to learn and grow is always up to you, that is what it is all about. Seeing people turn out to be awesome is great because they didn’t close the doors because of their ignorance, pride, and ego.

My students can tell you I can be rough and perhaps an ass, but I am straight forward, as I am with my children. People start feeling sorry for themselves and when that happens everyone starts treating them as just another victim, but many people play the victim just to get sympathy. There are situations that need compassion and understanding so you must learn the difference, or these people will eat you alive. One thing my students know, I tell them the TRUTH and I'm honest with the messages I receive for them. I do not play with my spirituality, and I don’t allow any of my students to think otherwise. People want to stay sleeping then go ahead and stay sleeping. 

Don’t ever think you know a person. I recently told a student of mine, “What makes you think people like you?” I said to the student, “You might not like that person but what makes you think they like you?” That gets me.  It was just about not closing the door, and not to think so small. Before you drop a rock on someone else, drop it on yourself first, so I can wake you into reality. 

The things people need to stay away from are killers, rapists, pedophiles, or crazy people. I’ll be the first one to say, “run.” Shit I’ll be right there with you, but maybe somebody would have to carry me or probably not because I’d be too heavy for them, so we definitely will not make it. Make sure we have a car to get away because I probably leave everybody behind. Ha!

People become too comfortable with their lives and just close their eyes and ignore everyone and everything because it makes it easier for them. I have seen how people avoid so many things in their lives and say it didn’t exist, but it did exist and they just walked away from it. It was always gonna be there because it was unfinished. Just like I have seen students taking my lessons and using them for their own benefit, to gain money and power, which is so sad because now they feel they know more and in reality they don’t. That is the pride and ego that takes over. It’s always been a dangerous thing to have. 

We all will face issues, and you have a choice to learn from them or not. I have been put in uncomfortable situations, but I allow myself to learn from those uncomfortable situations no matter how difficult it was. I learned from it and am grateful that I did. I always learn from other people’s experience and those that share their stories, but there are things I needed to see and learn from other human beings so I could understand them. When I was in my 20s, I walked away from the voices and spirituality. I needed to see what I thought I was missing. I didn’t blame anyone when I took that journey at all, just like I didn’t blame anyone for the mistakes I made. I always took full responsibility for my actions.

I realize, in that world, what I thought I was missing was nothing at all. I realize human beings need to have space to learn and grow. People are not here to make other people happy or comfortable or at ease, that is your responsibility to do for yourself. Also look at yourself and stop making people feel they are at fault for your issues. It’s funny how you can blame others. Whatever.  People talk about me, and I don’t care. Some say good things, some not so good. Ask me if I care? I don’t, for that is a waste of my time. I have better things to do with my energy. Everyone likes to share, that’s the way it is husband and wife share things about other people but let someone share something about you and all hell will break loose. It's a joke to me. I learn from people, and from people sharing and believe me, the voices love to share. 

I am truly thankful from the bottom of my heart and soul because it just reminds me, I don’t want to be like human beings that make issues where there are none and waste stupidity on it, instead of allowing themselves to grow and learn from all the nonsense of things. Think of a person that is dying and see if that person really cares about foolishness and stupidity. They’ll look at your problem like, “Are you serious?” This is what you’re wasting that energy on. I learned from people that have left this earth as I prepare them for their transition to the afterlife, and they have taught me so much about what really matters and what’s important.  I’m grateful to them for giving me those lessons. 

Stop taking things too personal. Stop wasting time on things that really don’t have any value. Stop stressing yourself out and making your life more difficult than what it is because there is always an answer. You just have to be ready to hear your voice. I said terrible things happen to people because they do and it’s very painful and hurtful. Other things you can work through to allow yourself to be strong. It reminds me every day that I get to live here on earth to be more open than what I am, and boy am I open. To laugh at the most ridiculous things and not to waste my time on foolish things or waste my time on words that people say and what you hear doesn’t matter, that's a lesson. To me it doesn’t matter, it is what it is. Nobody gets it yet or they choose not to.

Written by Guru Enlightment

Edited by Spiritual Gentle Soul and Spiritual Butterfly


The Direction
