About Guru Enlightment

Welcome to the realm of the unknown and expanded consciousness! As an author, teacher, and spiritual communicator, Guru Enlightment has been blessed with the ability to converse with spirit guides.

Through this unique perspective she takes an honest look at the world, uncovering the concealed realities behind the system and addressing the tragedies that plague our society. She empowers her students to think independently, encouraging them to embrace open-mindedness and explore the possibilities that lie beyond the ordinary.

Some refer to her as an Oracle as she is able to see your past, present, future (depending where you are at the moment), the spirits that guide you, and more, at no charge.

Guru Enlightment knew at an early age she was different and had a gift, but wasn't ready to accept the responsibility that came with it. She eventually decided to listen to her guides and become a spiritual teacher, following her true path and journey.

As a teacher, Guru Enlightment helps her students find the answers they seek within themselves. The world is full of mystery, beauty, control, and rules which often lead to confusion and negativity; in these conditions where it is so easy to become lost, Guru helps her students see the light by helping them help themselves. She guides her students to unlock their potential and bring about the gifts they were already born with. Her job is to teach her students to become free and independent.

Guru Enlightment ends her lessons by saying “Don’t believe in what I say, believe in what you see, for I give you nothing because everything is already inside of you. All I do is help you bring out the inner you from all the layers that you carry.”

Guru Enlightment is not a religious leader and does not abide by any of the organized religious beliefs out there. She is just a spiritual teacher that follows common sense.

Guru meets with her students in person (if in the area) and virtually.

If you are interested in joining her as she unravels the mysteries of existence and unlocks the secrets that shape our reality, subscribe to her website, or take a chance and contact her at guruenlightenment@gmail.com