I have been rich and I have been poor. I have been blinded and I have seen. I have traveled the wonders of the world. I have seen pain and destruction. I have seen the hurt on people’s faces. I have seen people losing hope, when they have given up on themselves. I have seen struggles and conflict. I have heard your prayers and I have given you answers.
Your inner self is so far from the light that you cannot hear the words that are spoken, you cannot see the words that are written, or the message left in a simple sign to see and read. Prayers were answered in many different forms, but you chose not to see it or hear it, even if it came from a stranger, music, a book, a newspaper, a play, a movie, even a child. You are too much in that world, that you cannot see the riches within you.
You think that all the riches you need are here on earth, but your riches have always been within you and all around you. It’s funny that you believe in everything that is told to you, and yet you don’t believe in yourself enough to see what’s in front of you and you do not realize the truth. You have forgotten what’s been taught to you before entering this universe.
You are all here to learn and grow and follow your journey. Many have forgotten, others are still trying to find their way back, there are those that have gotten lost along the way, and some that have given up. There are those that feel they don’t need anyone and those are the ones that are the most lost. Everyone on earth has some kind of dysfunction, whether it is small or big, some more than others; it is what it is.
Everyone is afraid of the Unknown. People do not know where they stand, not knowing what is true or false any more. Many are looking for answers everywhere. Some people look to the government. I have never understood why people believe in these governments. These powerful people who run this planet are the most evil, greedy, selfish, and murderous that have lived. From century to century, they just come back in different disguises. Just like humans carry many masks, so does the government. Just look around you.
Some people look to the many different religions that are out there for answers: Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Scientology, Spirituality, etc. People are saying God will come, or the UFOs will come, or Jesus will return, or a savior will arrive, or creatures might show up. Or they try to predict how the world will end, with floods, or earthquakes, or underwater creatures, or robots taking over, or better yet, war. Does it really matter? Are we really prepared for any of these things? Seriously? There are still more things that are out there and it’s called the unknown. When it comes, it will be a surprise for sure.
People are going crazy: killing their children and spouses, children killing children, people killing themselves more than ever, and taking their family with them. People feeling like they are entitled. Innocent bystanders are also being killed. The government is just having a blast as they allow all this to happen. It serves their purpose. Children are missing and it’s not all about trafficking either; it is also about taking their organs and selling them or using them for experiments. Children didn’t come here to have a price put upon them. Children come here on earth to be loved and be taken care of. They should feel safe and they should be protected. However, the opposite is true: children are lost more than ever. What a future. I have seen the destruction of the people on other planets, for mankind has not learned anything at all. The merry-go-round has continued for centuries, never stopping. The joke is on you. More things will come, and it will be thrown on your faces. I don’t think it will get better.
Being rich or poor doesn’t save anyone from their consequences, for nothing you were given has been put to good use. Tools were given to you when you entered this earth. You carry knowledge and wisdom from your past lifetimes and it seems you haven’t been awakened because you’re still sleeping. You forget why you came here. People have not changed at all and so many pretend to be good, but they cover themselves with the mask that they wear. This is happening all over the world, greed has taken over and blinded the people. I have seen what you have done and continue to do: making people afraid and doubting themselves. No one has yet to get it. Don’t hide behind anyone and use them as a getaway. Take responsibility for your mistakes. Continue to learn and grow and never stop while you’re on this earth. That’s one of the biggest reasons that we all are here. You don’t get it, not even the government gets it. That’s why they are destroying this planet, and it’s not the first time they are doing this. And we haven’t learned that we all have a purpose and a journey. But we don’t reflect on any of these issues, because we’re too occupied with the system and meaningless things.
We all need guidance as well as help. If you think you can do it on your own, then sit tight and feel what is heading your way. Don’t carry that pride or ego, even the chip on your back, for if you do, boy are there many lessons you’re going to need from lifetime to lifetime. There are things we need to do on our own and I get that, but not everything.
The world has become bigger as the people’s mentality has shrunken. The problem is still there, and it has become even bigger. There are people that are never ever satisfied with what they have, they just want more and more and never realize that that is not happiness. What happened to happiness, kindness, compassion, peace, laughter, love, having good health, caring for one another, living in harmony, and working together to build a better life? When your lives are not consumed with wealth, power, or greed, the power of all humanity would prevail.
We are all going to die sooner or later. We can do the best that we can and I know that it’s not easy. Many of us are carrying pain from our childhood, and there is no trust and no one believes in themselves, or anyone else. And on top of all that, we have to deal with other people: people who are racist, people who make life more difficult for themselves and others, people who have been hurt or betrayed, people who run away from their own problems by drinking alcohol and taking drugs, people who are stubborn, people who lie, people who are hardheaded, people staying away from people who are negative, people trying to keep up with the Joneses, like really? Just learn how to be satisfied with what you do have. Learn how to help yourself so you will be able to help others.
I have wandered through the earth with my eyes wide open and have seen how history has repeated itself over and over, and no one has ever opened their eyes. We try to fool ourselves and we succeed, very well. As I wandered, I saw the anguish of those that still live the life of sadness, pain, confusion, anxiety, bitterness, shame, guilt, low self-esteem, and the life of lacking confidence. I have seen people destroy their own lives, and the lives of others. I have seen people that can’t even stand on their own, and blame others for their mistakes. Now, I can see that nothing has changed. You have become selfish, thinking you’re better than anyone else, yeah right, thinking you’re that powerful. Where do you think that mindset is going to get you? Wait until you leave this earth - the truth will smack you back into reality. I know that for a fact, for I have been there already.
Remember everyone pays the consequences. We also forget we leave everything behind; everything starts with you first. There is so much beauty within you as well as there is out there and all over the world. Continue reaching for the light, so you are able to enjoy life and live for the very first time. Don’t waste your journey that was given to you, allow yourself to laugh more so you could feel the peace and feel the freedom within you, become strong and courageous, share that among others. We have no control when it comes to the system out there, but we do have control of how we want to live our lives. We are only in control of ourselves, so share your wisdom and your knowledge, and know that it should never ever have a price. The world needs laughter, love, and compassion and that is the best gift that we can give to ourselves. Let's try to enjoy this precious life that we have as there was a beginning, there will also be an end. So let's find our way by learning who and what we are and why we are here. Never allow your stubbornness, hard headedness, pride and ego, or being a know it all, to stop you from finding yourself. At the end that is what really and truly is going to matter.
You may ask, “Who's this?” and I would say to you, “What does that matter?” You’re going to come to your own conclusions. Who cares who wrote this or whether it is a story of facts, fiction, or fantasy. Everyone wants answers but no one wants to think and use their brains, because it takes too much out of them to think of what really matters.