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What do I say about women? There is so much to say since women are at different levels. From the beginning of time to this moment, nothing has really been given to women, even if they think something has been given to them. Women choose to take what they want and leave what they don’t want. I cannot speak to all women, but only those that see farther. Women want to make a difference, but sometimes those differences interfere with other women because some women can be very conniving, jealous, insecure and afraid of other women's strength, courage and success. Those women who will do anything to win, stand up to conquer as much as they choose to, but everything has a price to it. I believe a woman is gifted in so many ways, and a genius. What she does with that, that is her choice. No woman should judge another woman unless she walks her journey. Judging is something women always do to other women. I believed that instead, a woman should support another woman and be there for each other, because WOMEN ARE POWERFUL! THEY JUST DON’T REALIZE IT!  

The hardest job there ever has been is being a mother, and it doesn’t come with a paycheck. A mother needs to be a leader, and a leader should know when to feel defeated; although, it doesn’t mean that she failed. Failing doesn’t make her weak, it makes her wiser. To know we are not perfect and not everything is going to work our way, that’s being truthful. We should all know our limits. It is when we don’t, that it becomes a problem. You have those that trust you and believe in you and have faith in you. It wasn’t because you were smart but because you were always honest, showing your family, your job and the other people in your life that you were always there to protect the ones you love and care for. Being a woman is hard enough. It’s never been easy, for this is a man’s world. Women often don’t get the respect for the accomplishments they’ve made, because it has always been hidden by men. The system made women feel being a mother wasn’t enough, that anyone can do that job. So they made them feel worthless and men fed into that, but that’s where everyone was wrong. Being a mother here on earth is the hardest job to do. Other jobs just don’t compare at all. Being a mother, there is never ever an ending. Some women lose sight of that and become selfish and greedy and start liking the power of being in a man’s world. I have seen women succeed but also lose a lot. I’ve seen women forget who they were to fit into this system and society. I’m not saying that a woman cannot accomplish things, but I’m saying that to accomplish things changes you and we forget why we started in the first place. 

That is the reality, because it is a man’s world, and women forget to be women and end up being like men. Me personally, I prefer being a woman who is strong and tough when she needs to be, but I like to feel good within myself and know who I am and what I am. I’ve worked too hard to get here, and I am not going to allow someone to change me to society’s way of thinking. No way. Believe me, I am not saying it’s easy, because it isn’t. You meet egotistical men and dumb women as well. Sorry, but that is that truth. Your degree doesn’t say anything to me; the world needs the paper to show what you have learned and what you were taught in college so you could get paid well. There are people who love what they do which is great, but getting an education isn’t everything. For me education is important because we live in a society where you need it. In my world, education doesn’t exist. What does exist in my world is wisdom and knowledge and growth. When you leave this earth to go back home they are not going to ask how far you went in education and how much money you made, or if you have a house or any cars. They’ll ask you who you are and what you are. Your job doesn’t define you at all, not even to me. I definitely don’t want any part of that society. Women will say, “But you’re still a part of it,” and my answer is yes, but only 20 percent of me is. The rest is in my world. 

This is a man’s world and will continue to be until that change comes. It will but not at this time of this century. Sorry to say, women have to make things work for them to make things happen. But not all women want help and some just don’t really care, because they are more concerned about doing what they feel they need to do. As for the men who run the country, they can keep their job. Because to be there is to lie, it’s to cheat, showing no value to the human-race and being conniving and always looking for more power and greed. So they can keep that world. They haven’t done a great job with it at all. That is why men were born with pride and ego and built strong. Women are strong in another way, but also carry compassion, kindness, understanding, patience, love and so much more. Nowadays you meet a guy and he’s hoping the girl works, because things are different financially. It’s not like a woman will stay home now. Some men do not want to take financial responsibility, let’s be real, unless he is rich. There are men that have grown to help out their spouses and take responsibility, for they see a woman’s value and respect her. The men that run the world, that’s a different story. They have no respect for women at all. Even if they show they do, in reality they don’t. It's all a game. I have seen women go into a man’s world and forget that they are still women, because they act more like a man and think like one.  

I have been a single mother for maybe 30 years or more. I don’t bother to count. I raised four children that I gave birth to. One passed away at the age of 14 from cancer.  Later, I decided to become a foster mother to a boy, who I eventually adopted. I fostered and adopted a second and third time and ended up with three adopted children. I was blessed with raising them. Was it easy? Hell no. I call my children, “savages” - that’s the nickname I gave them. I stood by them and fought for them and now they stand tall. What they decide to do with their life is up to them. I gave them the basics. Now it’s their turn to use what was taught to them or to become idiots, but so far they are doing good. But you never ever know what their journey has planned for them. What they do with themselves, that is something they will decide or learn from, and hopefully they’ll become more from the lessons they gain. All we can do is pray for them and be there for them. I will always hope for the best for my kids, but in reality it’s also up to them. I have always told them to THINK before going forward and think of the consequences. It’s not about the world, it’s about your achievements within you; then, you are a success. When I decided to be a foster mother, I was saying to myself, “Man or child, man or child.” I chose a child. It doesn’t mean that I didn’t want a man, I just chose not to have a man. Having my children was enough and believe me it still is, but that was my choice. I have no regrets, I still get all the men I want. I just had to close my eyes and go to my world and I have a ball and don’t have to deal with so much crap. But that’s my secret getaway. 

I continue doing what I need to do for me. You see a man doesn’t define me. I identify myself, and again that doesn’t mean that I couldn’t have a man if I chose to in this lifetime, I just choose not to. There is so much I have to do and taking care of my children is enough. They bring me joy, laughter, love, beauty, and the lessons I have learned along the way. With it, also came anguish, frustration, and pain, but it was all worth it. I didn’t get away with anything either just because I chose my children. I never wanted to be in this man’s world. Anyhow, I wanted to make a difference as a woman and I feel I have. It doesn’t mean that I’ve touched everyone in the world - that would’ve been more than a lot and to me that wasn’t reality.  As long as I touch those that I need to, that’s what is important to me. There is so much more that a woman is capable of but sometimes you sell yourself short. You allow others to influence you not to follow your journey and there are also women who feel that they desperately need a man in their life and forgot about their own life.

It is beautiful to be loved, to be honored, and respected, to be looked upon as someone greater, but not every woman will get that. Whether you do get it or not, you need to realize that you have a purpose and have a need to complete your journey. It doesn’t have to be working in the field or being home raising your children. It can be something simple, but the important thing is to accomplish it. Some women feel they are not worth it or capable. Other women have been destroyed since childhood: molested, raped, physically or mentally abused. Everything in the beginning changes her story, and the story takes us where we put ourselves. But I always hope that in time a woman wakes up and realizes what happened to you as a child, you’re not in control of. Someone was but now you can take that power back and be in control of your life, not in a nasty disrespectful way, either, but in a way that you reach the goal that you need to. It’s not about the world, it’s all about you. There’s so much more I can share but I hope that this is just a beginning and that you give yourself a chance to be who you are meant to be. Never ever forget where you came from and how you got here. Never forget that your children are our future, and if they’re not right in their own path then we also don’t have a chance in this system because things are changing fast. We desperately need our girls to become women, to become strong and powerful, and carry compassion and love and understanding so that they also could make a difference. And to those that have boys and not girls, teach them to respect a woman, to honor that woman. 

No child, boy or girl, is perfect and we all come with baggage. But let’s make it less for them so they can deal with the world. Allow them to grow, and some would not grow but we can only do the best, starting with us first. We can show them not by what we say, but from what they see in us as women.