When you look everywhere and at everything, you see how many things need to be questioned. You wonder if what you are seeing is real. Everything may seem real, but is it? We have lived in a life where it was told to us how we were supposed to live it - what can we gain from a life like that? Just like history has been written and shared by men, it doesn’t mean it is true, but you all believe the history that has been told anyway. Again, what is the truth? The only ones that know the truth are the people who actually experienced it in our history and they are all dead. Everything is written to the convenience of those that have written the history. I wonder if there is any book that actually tells the truth. No “regular people” know what the truth is, only those that were chosen to keep silent and carry those secrets with them and those that are behind the Curtains.
They build robots because robots do not think like people do and people are starting to think and question things more. Change is coming. Reality will hit. People talk about the many species that walk among us: the Reptilians, Bigfoot, aliens, and many other things like creatures that live underwater, creatures that roam the earth, creatures that are hiding on the earth. You see, everything and anything is possible and for anyone to think it isn’t, you will probably be the one to be surprised when the time comes. People are coming out, sharing things, but is it true in what they are showing and sharing? People get paid to put certain things out on social media. That's why it confuses people and puts fear into them.
This whole universe has always been a mystery. I can’t accept everything that was written about this universe, because they only know as much as they think they know. In reality, there is so much more than what they see. This universe existed way before any human beings came to earth.This government likes to put their nose where it does not belong, They think they have the answers, but they don’t. They can control the weather and make hurricanes and tornadoes, control human life, food, medicines, the media, and even the pharmaceutical companies are in cahoots with the government. We live in an illusion. They own everything, they just don’t let you know that. Women can’t have an abortion for it was told, but by who? Who do you think? It sure wasn’t us, we aren’t that stupid to mess things up for ourselves. Now we go to war because they say so. When I hear about a war being started I always wonder what that has to do with the United States, what they are gaining, and what the other country is going to gain because it is always about power and greed.
When people get into war it is because of hatred, religion, oil, or power and greed. War is not the solution. This world is so big that everyone can find a space to live. The fighting makes people in this country hate each other more. Palestine and Israel are at war, and the people from these countries fight against each other here in the United States, because of what is happening in the middle east. Everyone is a victim whether good or bad, but again it is always the innocent that suffer: women and children. That's who I care about the most. If men want to be idiots, then let them fight each other as men should. The world is crumbling with the ignorance of people.
Hatred takes over just as racism does in every country or state. People don’t like other people, so what does one do? They go and kill everyone. Seriously? This is the cruelty of people. What are we going to do, kill everyone we don’t like because of religion, race, greed, and power? Why don’t we go against human trafficking, pedophiles, drugs - that makes more sense, so children won’t be raped, like boys and girls as well as women. Leave the women and children out of the war. The adults’ hatred is what messes things up. Children have no problems, it’s the adults. No one really cares because if they did or had a heart and had common sense, this would not be happening. When our soldiers come back home, what does the government do for them? Nothing, just like they did for the other soldiers before them. Look how many parents suffer because of a stray bullet accidentally killing their child, or a child being raped here in our cities. As a mother I feel for those kids and their mothers. Every day you wake up and hear about deaths in cities everywhere. How can we think that war is okay and that it is the solution to the problem?
It’s hard to believe what you see or hear in the news. People who carry hatred will never ever find peace, always putting fear into human beings. Just like I shared in the beginning, no one really knows the truth. This government and every other government in the world knows what they are doing. We are just their puppets, caught in the middle, like always. We are the ones that will pay the price, because of these governments.
Now we have immigrants coming to New York, Canada, Arizona, etc. Why all of the sudden? Too many things are happening all at once. What ever happened to Hawaii and the people and children that were missing? Have we forgotten?
I, in no way, feel that immigrants shouldn’t be here. For I, and many like us, were immigrants in this country, for this country originally belonged to Native Americans. Immigrants are pushed to come here without knowing anything. Many are living in the streets, putting fear into the people of the cities they were dropped off in. We are already in chaos with the people that live here, losing their minds, shooting innocent people and children, pushing people into train tracks, cutting people. Now they want more chaos to happen and it will. It’s like they planted them for something, and no one sees that.
The more fear that comes everyone's way, the more the government likes it. BIG BROTHER IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER OR MAYBE SOMETHING SURPRISING. DON’T FORGET THEY still hide behind curtains, the ones we don’t see. BUT WHAT DO I KNOW.