I came blinded so I won’t be able to see anything.
I came deaf so I didn’t need to hear the thunder.
I came mute so I won’t have to tell lies.
I came with no arms, so I didn’t have to reach out.
I came without legs, so I didn’t have to run.
I did not come here to explain who I am.

You look at me as if there is a problem with me, but in reality the problem is you.

You see, but you really don’t see.
You have ears to hear, but you really don’t hear.
You have a mouth to talk and yet you stay silent.
You have arms but you don’t reach out.
You use your legs to run, while I stay still and realize the things that surround me.
You can’t even comprehend the reality that stands next to you.
When you take a really good look at it, who’s the one that’s really handicap?

Written by Guru Enlightment
Edited by Spiritual Butterfly & Spiritual Gentle Soul



