Universe- BY GURU ENLIGHTMENT Edited by Spiritual Gentle Soul & Butterfly
You think the universe gives you answers, but haven’t you realized that it’s not about the universe but it’s about you. You’re the one that gives yourself the answers you are looking for, even when you write it in a book, on a paper, or a whiteboard. I hear people saying I’ll give it out to the universe when all the negativity is out there. Seriously? You are going to realize you have been and will continue to be the universe, because you have always been the universe. Everyone gives credit to everything except themselves. Just as those that are religious give credit to Jesus or God but never ever themselves. I am not religious, but I do believe there is something more powerful than us. I also believe we came to Earth to learn and grow and become better than what we wear before entering this planet. Everything was given to us before we entered the world . We were given the tools to help us deal with our journey and to deal with earth as well as the people on it. You just forget because you allow the system to take over you.
Many got lost along the way. As much as you believe in the universe, Jesus, God, or whatever you believe in, why can’t you believe in yourself? Faith starts within you first, by believing in yourself. You still don’t get it. You brought what you chose to bring in your life, whether negative or positive. You decide what path you want to take. Shit happens to every one of us. No one gets away with anything, and if they think they do, they have a surprise coming. You always have a choice to do what you need to do. Tribulations will always be there. It comes with living on earth. You give credit out there and receive nothing for yourself.
Asking for prayers and guidance helps, but once that door opens up for you, you go through it alone because no one will hold your hand, except yourself. When my students tell me “thank you”, I let them know that they did it, not me. When I show them the way, it's up to the student to go through that door and deal with what comes, if I am there or not, because they have a better understanding of the journey they are taking.
You have forgotten how powerful you are and that we all came from a powerful source or maybe even a different one, but it doesn't matter. The government knows this, that's why they take you away from the truth. They are powerful, too, that is why they get away with everything in the world. People follow them blindly. People are waking up, but the system is already ahead of those that have woken up. We are in the middle as they surround us, and no one wants to see that at all. Everybody is looking to believe in something, but they forget the most important person to believe in and that is themselves. People are lost and I see it more each day, since the 70s, and they reap the whirlwind. I am a person that does not vote. Why? Because it is a waste plus the government and the underground choose who should win. It's been like that for centuries and if you don’t follow their rules, you know what happens to you. Look at what happened to President Lincoln, President John F. Kennedy, his brother Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King and many more influential people that have been killed because they did not follow the rules. It is still going on to this day.
They grow more powerful and greedy everyday, they take it upon themselves to change the laws. I don’t remember them asking any of the citizens permission to change anything, they just do it, hello! They already had plans and prepared themselves for this change that is about to come. It doesn’t surprise me at all. The other big surprise? No more abortions. Only if it deals with life and death, supposedly. Then the war and the immigrants coming where many are living in the streets. Because they are not living in the white house or the Mayor’s mansion or congressmen’s houses. I am not against any immigrants coming into this country and I don’t blame the immigrants either. In reality we are all immigrants, because this land belongs to the Indians. The United States stole the land for a couple of bucks. The Indians did not really know what money was or the value of it. I wish I could buy land with that little bit of money. yeah right, in my dreams!
There is a reason for having all the immigrants here in the United States. Why? you’ll get to see from the front row when it’s time. The next thing, and listen in because it gets better people, the government is saying that if adults and children get sick in their homes, government officials will take them out of their house, and determine if their illness will cause any kind of danger. Use your brain to think, though it might be hard for you. Why all of the sudden is this happening? What kind of danger is coming and how do they know? What illness is on it’s way? This is what they are planning for us. I would like to hear your thoughts on all this. BUT WHAT DO I KNOW!
My students ask me why I bother sharing things when no one cares or read what I write? My answer to that is because there are people that read what I write even though they don’t comment. Some people text me privately to learn more. That’s why I do it. No one has to believe me either, it doesn’t matter. I keep saying as long as I am doing what I am supposed to do, that’s what really matters. I can’t reach the entire world, that would be impossible, and I don’t think I would want that either. Everyone must find themselves. I just hope they do. Everyone believes in different things and that’s their choice, that’s what makes the world go around. Perhaps next time you want to see the universe, look in the mirror and realize you are the universe, for you are powerful, you can make things happen for you, you're worth it, you are special, you are important, and that you matter. Most important of all is you’re powerful.
There is much more to come in the year 2024 but you’ll get to see with your own eyes and hear things that will make you pissed off. Hopefully everyone has a safe HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Because it’s going to be a bliss. MAY THIS NEW YEAR BRING YOU ALL ENLIGHTMENT.