Everyone looks for someone to approve of them yet they never realize that the only approval they need is their own. One feels that without that approval they don’t know if they can accomplish their dreams and goals. The scary thing about this is that the person that might give you that approval might not care at all. That’s something we have to look at. We do have friends that carry jealousy within them, even though they might love us and want the best for us, it doesn't mean they are not human. Though they might not mean to they still harbor these feelings. I let people know how I really feel especially because I want them to have a positive journey. There are people who can’t deal with the truth but that is their problem not mines. Approval always comes with a high price and if we open those doors then you have to deal with what you are being told even if you don’t like to hear it. The only approval I need is my own whether good or bad and that is because I know myself enough to know what I am good at and not so good at.
Do I surprise myself at times? Of course! I learned that I could do things that I never thought I could do. That is the exciting part of learning new things. Will I make mistakes? Of course! That's the only way I will learn. It's not a bad thing, it's a good thing. I am not afraid to make mistakes at all. By doing it I learn a great deal. Don’t get me wrong, I'm not looking to make mistakes but if it happens I take full responsibility for it. That is my approval in learning. Approval is a very big thing, we look for it in our parents, family, friends, and sometimes there are those that can’t give that approval to us for whatever reason. When we don’t receive it we get so angry, sad, and we feel so unloved. This is hard, believe me I know. That is when we need to look at ourselves and start to realize who we are and what we are. That is when it is time to take charge of our lives, which is the hardest thing to do when all we want is support but in realty we all don’t get it. We must learn how to give it to ourselves, by learning about YOURSELVES!
Feeling sorry for yourself is a waste of time and being angry also takes away from you. Deal with those negative feelings and thoughts and let it go. You have a purpose in this world, we don’t have time to feel bad for ourselves. Take responsibility of your life. Don’t tell me you can’t because you can! Do not sell yourselves short! You have been doing that for a long time already. Let’s get it together and prove to yourselves that you could do it. Stop the pity party and go strengthen up. No one ever said that our journeys were going to be easy. Take control of your life and your destiny and use the power that was given to you. Take the negative and change it into positive and make it work for you. Allow yourself to be humble for you are a special human being or you wouldn't have chosen to come down to earth to follow your journey. APPROVAL COMES WITHIN YOU!